Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Eternal and Enduring...

"The New Testament vision, then, is not about winning a victory but about entering into the victory that Christ has won, not of gaining the world but of saving the soul. Its message is not about making this worldly age more secure but about entering the "age to come" through Christ, not about manufacturing happiness but about finding holiness, not about purchase but about faith, not about amusement but about repentance, not about distraction but about knowing God. That is to say, the message is grounded not in ourselves but in Christ. It presents a teleology of redemption, not of progress. The purpose of the world, under the hand of God, is redemption from sin, death, and the devil, from what is fading and passing to what is eternal and enduring." 
- David F. Wells, God in the Wasteland - 
The Reality of Truth in a World of Fading Dreams. 

May the "New Testament Vision" be in every thought and step as you move forward this week my friend. The above quote comes from a book that seems more relevant every year and even more so in this present season. Keep your eyes on the "Eternal and Enduring"!

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