Thursday, June 13, 2024

Seasons of Change ...

Here's an encouraging testimony from "back in the day" from Kent Hughes... 

"Seasons may change, as do pastors, but the rewards are essentially the same. The rewards, of course, continue to unfold. Recently, I received this note from a junior high girl:

Dear Pastor Hughes,

    After listening to your sermon today, I recommitted myself to our Lord. I have recently discovered myself just “going through the motions.” I have since done devotions and witnessing to people. Your sermon spoke to me. Normally, I must confess, I don’t listen very well. Today I did and you had a lot to say. I’m sure you spoke to many nonbelievers in our congregation. I have decided, if possible, to become a member of College Church (although I am only 13 years old and the only one in my family to go to this church). If you would like to get in touch sometime, my number is.… Thanks for your time.
      - Your sister in Christ, Elizabeth

As Ecclesiastes puts it, there is a time for every season under heaven. That’s certainly been true of my ministry. Each season of ministry has its liabilities and opportunities, but in each season God has been faithful, and his work has moved forward."
    - Kent Hughes, Mastering the Pastoral Role

In these continuing seasons of change, may you too have such rewards of encouragement. Just keep the main thing the main thing, one precious life at a time. 
Because we serve a Magnificent God, 


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