Wednesday, December 11, 2024

An Honorable Ambition...

Here's a good word of counsel from J. Oswald Sanders from his book on Spiritual Leadership... 

"Under the dangerous circumstances that prevailed in the first century, even stout-hearted Christians needed encouragement and incentive to lead. And so Paul called leadership an 'honorable ambition'. 

We ought never to forget that the same situation faces Christians today in certain parts of the world. Leaders of the church in China suffered most at the hands of Communists. The leader of the Little Flock in Nepal suffered years in prison after church members had been released. In many troubled areas today, spiritual leadership is no task for those who seek stable benefits and upscale working conditions. 

It remains true that any form of spiritual warfare will inevitably single out leaders who by their role present obvious targets. Paul urges us to the work of leading within the church, the most important work in the world. When our motives are right, this work pays eternal dividends."

My pastor friend, may you stay the course and never forget Paul's words of great encouragement found in 1 Corinthians 15:58..."Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."

Because He NEVER leaves us...

~ PJVS1 

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