Thursday, May 30, 2024

Hold Fast to What You Know...

"Throughout every difficult challenge David faced (and there would be many), David kept his eyes on the Lord. He knew that if God had spoken, absolutely no one could ultimately thwart him from receiving what God had promised. Significantly, immediately after the Scripture relates David’s low point in Gath, it describes how mighty men from all across the land began to be attracted to join him (1 Samuel 22:1-5). 
If David was to lead mighty men, he had to retain his confidence in the Lord! He could not lose hope. He had to stay focused on his mission, regardless of the setbacks and obstacles. Ultimately he became his nation’s mightiest king, just as God had promised. 
What challenges are you currently facing? Have they caused you to lose hope, or confidence? Are you being tempted to give up? Now is when your true mettle will be determined. HOLD FAST to what you know to be true and stay close to God. He’ll do the rest." - Richard Blackaby, The Inspired Leader

Do you feel like David today?  "My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the LORD; my heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God." - Psalm 84:2   Well, HOLD FAST and stay close to God. He'll do the rest ... IN HIS TIME!


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