Thursday, January 4, 2024

Blended Qualities...

"Two dangers exist for pastors when it comes to setting standards for success. One is to shoot for the moon. The other is to throw in the towel... 

Who is more successful: the pastor who grows a large church or the one who maintains a church in a stagnant area? The pastor who preaches to thousands or the one who lovingly cares for individuals one by one? The pastor who impatiently pushes people to deeper discipleship or the pastor who patiently accepts the shortcomings of his people?


Faithfulness, shepherding, teaching, patience, perseverance, growth, progress— these are some of the facets of the diamond of success. Each alone won’t bring glory to God, but together they make a lustrous offering to him."

~  Stuart Briscoe, Measuring Success, In Measuring up: the need to succeed and the fear of failure 

As you stand on the threshold of a New Year with so many expectations, may you maintain the blended qualities that bring the greatest possible glory to God and ... Don't throw in the towel!! 


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