Tuesday, December 31, 2024

All Glory to God in 2025 ....

"For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen." -- Romans 11:36

Aristotle embraced the geocentric model, believing the earth to be the center of the universe. In 1543 Copernicus proposed a new paradigm placing the sun in the center. Over the years I have met some rather unusual individuals that dogmatically believe that they themselves are in fact the center of the universe. Could they all be wrong?

Paul has taken the church in Roman from the answer for mankind's lost condition to the divine elective plan for Israel. When all the detail and design is thoroughly revealed, the reader can see that all the glory belongs to the LORD of ALL. The whole universe comes together with beautiful symmetry when we acknowledge God as the true Center. Paul alone was right.

The best year is the one that begins and ends with this truth: "For from him and through him and to him are all things." Every pastor and every church will continue to grow stronger and more effective only when, the Lord alone is given all the glory. Life and ministry is never about us... it's ALL about Him!
"Finally, I ask you to think about your work, particularly your work for God as a Christian. Perhaps you say, “Surely that at least belongs to me, is achieved by me, and can be for my honor.” Really? If in your unsaved state you had no righteousness of your own, understood nothing of spiritual things, and did not seek God (as Romans 3:10–11 tells us), how could you even have had a desire to work for God unless God himself put it there? Our work for God flows from our love of God. But “we love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19). How can anything be achieved except through God? Even the ability to plan a secular project or the strength to dig a ditch comes from him, since all is from God. If that is true of even secular efforts, how much more true must it be of Christian work? Spiritual work must be accomplished through God’s Spirit. So it is not you or I who stir up a revival, build a church, or convert even a single soul. Rather, it is as we work, being led in the work by God, that God himself by the power of his Holy Spirit converts and sanctifies those whom he chooses to call to faith... Do not take the glory of God to yourself. It is fatal to do that in any work, but especially in Christian work. Instead, glorify God."

 ~ James Montgomer Boice,  
Romans: God and History. Vol. 3

May 2025 bring great blessings from
the One who deserves all the Glory,


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