Thursday, August 15, 2024

Staying Motivated ...

When you feel like you're winding down... give thought to the following words from Ben Patterson about staying motivated ...

"One last thing needs to be said about remembrance. It has to do with the sovereignty of God. Martin Luther said he took great comfort from knowing that as he sat and enjoyed his beverage, the kingdom of God kept marching on. That assurance was a great motivator to hard work. He could relax and rest periodically, and therefore go back to work with greater élan. More important, when he did work, he knew nothing was wasted or lost because God was sovereign over everything.
That’s how it should be for us. A motivated Christian is a relaxed and grateful Christian; grateful because of what God has done in the death and resurrection of Christ, and relaxed because of his hope in God’s sure dénouement of all history in his Son. Because the motivated Christian has been freed from the bondage of the past and anxiety over the future, he can get down to the work at hand in the present."
 - Ben Patterson, "from Staying Motivated" in 
Renewing Your Church Through Vision and Planning.

"Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." - Isaiah 43:18–19

May you "stay motivated" my pastor friend, always focused on the One who is "doing a new thing" every day.

Because He makes all things New,


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