Tuesday, August 6, 2024

So Send I You...

As familiar as you may be with the hymn “So Send I You”, did you know that there is a second edition? 

“Over the years Margaret Clarkson realized that her 1936 hymn, ‘So Send I You’ was rather one-sided. She decided to “rewrite” the hymn in 1962, while on vacation at the Severn River. After creating the second version she believed that she created a more biblical hymn that reflected the trials, and the joys, of God’s call on the lives of his children. The new version began to replace the earlier one to Margaret’s pleasure.” – from: Archives of Wheaton College, Biography of Edith Margaret Clarkson 

“So Send I You — by grace made strong to triumph 
   O’er hosts of hell, o’er darkness, death and sin,
   My name to bear and in that name to conquer — 
   So send I you, My victory to win. 

So Send I You – to take to souls in bondage 
   The Word of Truth that sets the captive free
   To break the bonds of sin, to loose death’s fetters — 
   So send I you, to bring the lost to Me.

So Send I You — My strength to know in weakness, 
   My joy in grief, My perfect peace in pain,
   To prove My pow’r, My grace, My promised presence - 
   So send I you, eternal fruit to gain.

So Send I You — to bear My cross with patience, 
   And then one day with joy to lay it down, 
   To hear My voice, “Well done, My faithful servant — 
   Come share My throne, My kingdom and My crown!”

May the trials of ministry always give birth to the treasures of present and eternal joys my pastor friend. 

Because He who called you is faithful, 


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