Monday, March 25, 2024

Impartial Love...

"My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory."
~ James 2:1 
"Brethren, you will shortly appear before an impartial God, see that ye be impartial stewards; take the same care, manifest the same love, attend with the same diligence, the poorest and weakest souls that are committed to your care, as you do the rich, the great, and honorable."  ...  "The precious and immortal souls of men are committed to us; souls, about which God hath concerned his thoughts from eternity; for the purchase of which Christ hath shed his own blood; for the winning and espousing of which to himself, he hath put you into this office; at whose hands he will also require an account of them in the great day." 
- Flavel, John, The Whole Works of the Reverend John Flavel, 
vol.6, The Character of a Complete Evangelical Pastor

May the Chief Shepherd gives you an impartial love and care for every precious soul under you watch this week. Blessings as you continue in such a high and holy office.


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