Friday, December 22, 2023

In It's Time...

“It is not my strength that grows, so much as God's strength in me, which is given more abundantly as the days roll. It is so given on one condition. If my faith has laid hold of the infinite, the exhaustless, the immortal energy of God, unless there is something fearfully wrong about me, I shall be getting purer, nobler, wiser, more observant of His will; gentler, like Christ; every way fitter for His service, and for larger service, as the days increase.” ~ Alexander Maclaren

As I recently observed summer slip into fall, and fall slowly slip away toward winter, I couldn't help but be instructed. Ministry progresses at one speed... HIS. Just as I could never cause seasons to change faster, neither could I ever cause God's work to move faster than He planned. Since patience comes to us in the fruit of the Spirit, we have all that we need to "lay hold of the infinite, the exhaustless, the immortal energy of God" and wait for seasons to pass and harvest to come. I pray that you will stay the course my brother... and wait! Why? Because He still "makes everything beautiful in its time."

Keep looking up to the One who renews our strength,


Saturday, December 9, 2023

Been with Jesus...

"Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus." - Acts 4:13

As far back as the 12th century, apprenticeships were a large part of learning a trade. Parents would often place their teenage son under the instruction of a Guild's Master craftsman. After 5 to 9 years the young man would most likely become highly skilled in the specified trade. His future success as a craftsman would depend on who he had been with during his years of training.

While the disciples were uneducated, common men, they had spent three years with Jesus. They sat under his teaching and joined him in a great many ministry activities. They had become highly skilled servants and preachers of the Gospel. But what was most significant was not so much the lessons learned as the One they had been with during their years of training.

When you minister from week to week, what do people observe most of all? Are they impressed with your Bible knowledge, or is it your vast church experience? Do you have an impressive resume from the best Bible Colleges and Seminaries? These will never have the same lasting impact as WHO you spent time with in preparation. Every day and every week, your skill in ministry should be rooted in this fact: that you have been with Jesus. 


"David Brainerd died at the home of Jonathan Edwards when he was 29 years old. During the few years of his life, he had such a passion for God that nothing else could satiate his heart. He would kneel in the snow and be so lost in worship, prayer and intercession that when he was through, the snow would melt around him in a wide circle. We need passion like that today. Oh, for men and women who have such a longing for God that everything else in their life would be pushed away!"

~ Tozer, A. W.. My Daily Pursuit: Devotions for Every Day


"So if you consider me a partner, welcome him as you would welcome me." - Philemon 17 Partners ride the trail together, run the bu...