Friday, June 30, 2023

Fallen by the wayside...

Poet Randy L. McClave provides us with some provoking thoughts to consider when those we disciple fall by the wayside ... 
               ~ JUDAS ~
"Judas had the very best pastor
And the wisest master,
He had the very best advisor
And the only one who was much wiser.
He had the very best teacher
The ultimate preacher,
He had the very best counselor
Be it now, or ever before.

The problem wasn't Judas's leadership
Or how he did worship,
Nor was it the temple that he went to
Or all that he knew. 
Nor was it because of any of the disciples
Or even any of their rivals,
It wasn't even a sadness or a careless whim,
It was all because of him.

If your character or attitude doesn't change
If your soul stays estrange,
And if your heart doesn't ever transform
And sin stays your norm.
If unto peace and salvation you will not proclaim.
You will then always stay the same
And then like Judas the fool,
You will then become the Devil's tool."

On a personal note... 
I would encourage you with further application... You can Pastor, preach, lead,  advise and counsel just like Jesus and still have elders, deacons and congregants go completely off the rails. 

So, just keep your eyes on Jesus and praise God for those of your leadership and flock who, by the grace and power of God are staying the course. 

Keep pressing on, 


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