Saturday, May 27, 2023

Shepherding day by day...

“Shepherding, like parenting, requires patience. This kind of work is not done in a single sermon or in a day. Sometimes, of course, God does cause breakthroughs in a single sermon or crucial conversation. But usually the work of eldering is as repetitive and daily as walking the flock to a fresh field for grazing. It is like making the daily meals, or taking the kids to school.”  
- Mark Dever, "Understanding Church Leadership", (B&H Publishing Group, 2016)

A pastor leads the flock " season and out of season" (2 Timothy 4:2). His task is simple, yet profoundly demanding from day to day. Throughout the journey, like King David, who "shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them". (Psalm 78:72), the flock is always on his heart. As a labor of love, he feeds, nurtures, protects, and gives his life to bring each one home before dark. 

As you care for His flock this week, may the Lord give you all you need to Shepherd with patience. And, in His time, may there be breakthroughs that will greatly encourage your heart as you keep "making the daily meals and taking the kids to school".

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