Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Good Study Helps - Constable's Notes...

Over the years I have accumulated a vast number of study helps. In the early days you would find me haunting used book stores and library book sales all across four states. Finding a classic Bible commentary in the dark corner of a back room for ten cents was a dream come true. One man's trash was another man's treasure!
As software became the rage and I learned how to use the stuff, I began to trade-in the old hardback editions for digital. The more adept I became to computer Bible programs, the more volumes I added. In addition to such mountains of reading wealth I also found Bible study helps available online freely accesible for daily use.
Today I want to introduce you to one such incredible resource. Pardon me if you are well aware of these online Bible study notes, but I have met many pastors who have never heard of theme before. I am speaking of Dr. Constable's Expository Bible Study Notes. You will find these amazing notes located at: 
The following details are given as an introduction to these notes: "Dr. Constable’s Notes, authored by Dr. Thomas L. Constable, provide commentary on all 66 books of the Bible and contain over 12,000 pages of material in PDF format. Dr. Constable taught at Dallas Theological Seminary for 45 years, and served as the Chairman of its Bible Exposition department for 13 years. He now spends most of his time upgrading these notes. These notes are intended to help you to understand the Bible better."
I have used these notes for many years and found them to be of great value in my sermon preparation. Those who have used them upon my recommendation have also spoken very highly of their benefit. Should you choose to use this resource, I believe you too will be as blessed as I have been. Enjoy and tell others!

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